Contribute to translations

Do you speak a language other than English and you’re willing to help out translating or proofreading? You’re welcome to help us out!

We’ve setup a Crowdin project to collaborate together on translating the Masa CMS interface into as many languages as possible:

Crowdin project for Masa CMS

On the home page of the project, select the language you want to help out with. For each language we have two files:

  • /core/ The labels for the Masa CMS administrator
  • /modules/core_assets/ The labels for the Masa CMS core modules


Next to the file you want to translate, click on the ‘three dots’-icon and select the “translate” option.


The translating interface opens up for the language and file selected.

Translation interface


Next to the file you want to proofread, click on the ‘three dots’-icon and select the “proofread” option.


The proofreading interface opens up for the language and file selected.

Proofread interface