Mura Deprecation
Following is a list of files and functions that already have been deprecated in Mura and are inherited by Masa CMS. Please check which applies to your situation and update your code accordingly. No warnings are logged for these existing deprecations.
cfobject.cfc - injectMethod
In core/mura/cfobject.cfc
the function injectMethod
is deprecated. Please update to inject
This function is deprecated in the following files:
- core/mura/event.cfc
- core/mura/MasaScope.cfc (Masa CMS 7.3)
- core/mura/MuraScope.cfc (pre Masa CMS 7.3)
- core/mura/servletEvent.cfc
- core/mura/settings/settingsBean.cfc
Use the function getContentRenderer()
This function is deprecated in the following files:
- core/mura/MasaScope.cfc (Masa CMS 7.3)
- core/mura/MuraScope.cfc (pre Masa CMS 7.3)
Use the function getContentRenderer()
utility.cfc - getUUID
In core/mura/utility.cfc
the function getUUID
is deprecated. Please update to createUUID()
which is a standard CFML/Lucee function.
contentRenderer.cfc - renderHTMLHeadQueue
In core/mura/content/contentRenderer.cfc
the function renderHTMLHeadQueue
is deprecated. Use the function renderHTMLQueue("Head")
The file core/mura/json.cfc
is deprecated. Please use the JSON functions available in CFML/Lucee.
The file core/mura/mailerLimited.cfc
is deprecated. Please use other ways to send your e-mail.
The file core/mura/cacheFactory.cfc
is deprecated. Please use other ways to cache your variables.
All files in core/mura/client/api/soap/v1/
All the 7 files in this folder are deprecated. These are:
- bundle.cfc
- category.cfc
- content.cfc
- feed.cfc
- muraProxy.cfc
- service.cfc
- user.cfc
Please do not use them anymore.
The file core/mura/contentCommenterBean.cfc
is deprecated. Please do not use this ORM bean anymore.
Deprecated arguments in functions in contentManager.cfc
In the file core/mura/content/contentManager.cfc
the argument contentRenderer
is deprecated. This applies to the following functions:
- saveComment
- approveComment
Please remove these arguments in your calls to these functions.
Deprecated arguments in functions in contentRenderer.cfc and contentRenderUtility.cfc
In the files core/mura/content/contentRenderer.cfc
and core/mura/content/contentRenderUtility.cfc
the following arguments are deprecated for the functions createHREF
and createHREFforRSS
- context
- stub
- indexFile
Please remove these arguments in your calls to these functions.
Deprecated functions in contentRenderer.cfc
In the file core/mura/content/contentRenderer.cfc
the following functions are deprecated:
- dspUserTools
- dspCaptcha
- sendToFriendLink
Please do not use these functions anymore.
Property extranetSSL
in settingBean.cfc
The property extranetSSL
in core/mura/settings/settingsBean.cfc
is deprecated. Please do not use this setting anymore.
Function setAddresses
in userBean.cfc
The function setAddresses
in core/mura/user/userBean.cfc
is deprecated. Please do not use this function anymore; instead use userBean.set("addresses", addressesData)
Functions in configBean.cfc
In the file core/mura/configBean.cfc
the following functions are deprecated:
- dbCreateIndex (upgrade to dbUtility.cfc –> addIndex())
- dbTableColumns (upgrade to dbUtility.cfc –> columns())
- dbDropIndex (upgrade to dbUtility.cfc –> dropIndex())
- dbDropColumn (upgrade to dbUtility.cfc –> dropColumn())
Please use the functions in core/mura/dbUtility.cfc
The file core/mura/content/file/s3.cfc
is deprecated. Pleas use different solution for interacting with S3.
Deprecated arguments in function getAdvancedSearch
in userGateway.cfc and userManager.cfc
In the files core/mura/user/userGateway.cfc
and core/mura/userGateway.cfc
the following arguments are deprecated for the function getAdvancedSearch
- siteid
- ispublic
Please remove these arguments in your calls to these functions.
Function addLoadEvent
in mura.js
The function addLoadEvent is deprecated in admin/assets/js/mura.js
. Please use renderClient
and renderServer